Discover the Beauty of Natural Cobalt Blue Spinel from Ceylon – A Rare Gemstone

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Discover the Beauty of Natural Cobalt Blue Spinel from Ceylon – A Rare Gemstone

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Cobalt Blue Spinel is a rare and highly sought-after gemstone that comes from the mines of Ceylon. This stunning gemstone is known for its intense blue color and excellent clarity, making it a favorite among gem collectors and jewelry enthusiasts alike.

Ceylon, now known as Sri Lanka, is a renowned source of many precious and semi-precious gemstones. Its gemstone industry dates back over 2,000 years and is known for producing some of the world’s finest gemstones. Cobalt Blue Spinel is one such gemstone that is highly prized for its deep, rich blue color and exceptional quality.

Cobalt Blue Spinel gets its intense blue color from the presence of cobalt in its crystal structure. The higher the concentration of cobalt, the deeper and more vibrant the blue color of the gemstone. Ceylon’s mines produce some of the best Cobalt Blue Spinel in the world, with deep, rich colors that rival those of the finest sapphires.

One of the most appealing aspects of Cobalt Blue Spinel is its excellent clarity. Unlike many other blue gemstones, Cobalt Blue Spinel is typically free from inclusions and blemishes, which makes it highly prized for use in jewelry. The gemstone also has a high refractive index, which gives it excellent brilliance and fire.

Cobalt Blue Spinel is a durable gemstone, with a hardness rating of 8 on the Mohs scale. This makes it suitable for use in all types of jewelry, including rings, earrings, pendants, and bracelets. The gemstone’s excellent durability and resistance to scratching and chipping make it ideal for everyday wear.

At Clara Gems, we offer high-quality Natural Cobalt Blue Spinel Gemstones from Ceylon that are ethically sourced and carefully selected for their exceptional color and clarity. Our gemstones are cut and polished to perfection by skilled artisans, ensuring that each gemstone is a true work of art.

We believe in transparency and ethical sourcing, and work directly with miners and cutters to ensure that our gemstones are of the highest quality and are responsibly sourced. We also provide customers with information about the origin and history of each gemstone, so that they can make an informed decision when purchasing our gemstones.

At Clara Gems, we pride ourselves on our customer satisfaction. Our customer service team is always available to answer any questions and provide assistance, and we offer a 30-day free return policy for our gemstones. We also provide fast shipping services with DHL UPS, and issue a certificate for every gemstone that we sell.

In conclusion, Natural Cobalt Blue Spinel from Ceylon is a stunning gemstone that is highly prized for its intense blue color, exceptional clarity, and excellent durability. At Clara Gems, we offer high-quality Cobalt Blue Spinel Gemstones that are ethically sourced and carefully selected for their exceptional beauty and quality

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